Hillsborough Avenue and Webb Road Intersection Improvement

Project Number


The intersection of Hillsborough Avenue (SR 580) and Webb Road has been recognized by the County’s Department of Public Works as a location that experiences significant vehicle delay due to traffic congestion and a high number of vehicle accidents, and currently operates at an unacceptable level of service due to inadequate turn lane capacity.

Construction of improvements to the intersection include, but are not limited to, lengthening of the existing eastbound and westbound left turn lanes on Hillsborough Avenue to Webb Road, converting the two existing median openings (395 feet west and 357 feet east) of Webb Road from full openings to directional openings, lengthening the existing westbound left turn lane to the Incarnation Catholic Church east of Webb Road, and milling and resurfacing the existing lanes of Hillsborough Avenue from about 643 feet west of Webb Road to about 846 feet east of Webb Road. The existing mast arm signalization at this intersection will be replaced with a new mast arm signal system. Webb Road will be widened and reconstructed to an urban, curb and gutter section with drainage improvements from about 694 feet south of Hillsborough Avenue to about 884 feet north of Hillsborough Avenue with the addition of turn lanes along Webb Road.

After construction is completed the overall traffic safety and operation of this intersection will be improved for motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists.

What to Expect

  • Temporary traffic lane closure and slowdown of traffic through the intersection.
  • Construction will take place on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., some night work is also anticipated.
  • The work will involve heavy equipment and excavation, and will generate normal construction noise.
  • Access to businesses will be maintained throughout construction.
  • In some areas, traffic lane closures may be necessary. For the safety of the workers, pedestrians and other motorists, please observe all traffic control measures.
  • Most construction will be in the right of way; however, at times it may be necessary to work on private property with prior approval. All areas affected by the construction will be restored.
  • Excavation work can sometimes cause an accidental water pipeline break or similar problem. Should any water service interruption occur, instructions for a precautionary boil water notice will be issued.

Cost & Funding

The $5.5 million project is being funded through the Public Works Capital Improvement Transportation Program (CIT III, Ad Valorem, and Impact Fees).


  • A pre-construction Public Information Meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016, at the Town ‘N Country Regional Public Library, 7606 Paula Drive in Tampa.
  • Construction is expected to begin in late January 2016 and be completed within 350 days.


  • Project Manager - Dana D. Mackey, P.E., Public Works Department. Desk: (813) 307-1783
  • After Hours Emergencies - 813-272-5972

Additional Information

Public Meeting