Mann-Wagnon Memorial Park Improvements

Project Number



Design and Construction of Mann-Wagnon Memorial Park Improvements, which include the construction of a new 4,000 square foot Multi-Purpose Community Center together with site improvements. These include a Passive Park, parking lot, hardscape areas, landscaping, utilities and related drainage systems. This project is located at 1101 River Cove Drive, in the Sulphur Springs neighborhood, within the City of Tampa. The site is approximately 2.00 acres in size.

The proposed 4,000 square foot Multi-Purpose Community Center is intended for use by three private, Non-Profit Groups, through leases with the County. In 2010 the six onsite buildings were assigned to the Groups: Community Stepping Stones, Moses House and Sulphur Springs Museum. These existing buildings suffer from various levels of structural damage and deterioration and do not meet current Code requirements; additionally several of them are located in the 100-year Flood Plain. These deficient buildings must be demolished except for the block building, to remain for shared storage.

What to Expect

Cost & Funding

The $798,000 project is being funded through the Capital Improvement Program.


  • Issuance of NTP with Construction, Winter 2015.
  • Phase 1, Community Center construction, scheduled for late Spring 2016 completion.
  • Phase 2, Existing Buildings demolition/ Passive Park construction, Summer 2016 completion.


Additional Information

Public Meeting