Riverview Fire Station #16 Expansion / Renovation
Project Number
This project will replace the current fire station, located at 9205 Kevin Drive in Riverview, with a new, 10,1000-square-foot, three-bay fire station. The existing station will be demolished and the new station built on the same site.
What to Expect
Existing Fire Rescue services will remain in operation during the completion of the new station. Personnel, equipment and apparatus will be housed in temporary quarters on site.
Cost & Funding
Construction costs for the new station are approximately $2.5 million. Funding is through Public Safety Improvement Bond Project funds.
Work will began in Spring 2015, with construction expected to be completed by Summer 2016.
- Real Estate & Facilities Services – Mansour Yazdi, 813-307-1038; and Erthel Hill, 813-272-7008
- Fire Rescue – Ron Rogers, 813-272-6600
- General Contractor – CRS Building Corporation, 727-895-7500