Waterset Sports Complex
Project Number
This project proposes a land exchange with the developer of the Waterset community. The exchange will benefit the County by improving site access and flexibility to develop. The current site will be accessible by a secondary road within the Waterset community and the proposed site will be at the intersection of two collector roads that will be completed sooner than the road to the existing site. The design and construction for the development of the site is currently unfunded. The site is located within the Waterset development, just west of I-75.
What to Expect
There is no construction scheduled at this time.
Cost & Funding
There is no cost associated with the proposed land exchange. There is $500,000 funding for design and engineering costs. Construction cost is estimated at $5,000,000, however this may vary based on the design. Construction is currently unfunded and no future funding source has yet been identified.
- Parks Manager – Kyla Booher, Parks & Recreation Dept. Desk: (813) 307-1891. Cell: (813) 817-7918
Additional Information
Public Meeting
A public meeting was held on Jan 27, 2016 to discuss the land exchange with the developer. The developer of the Waterset community proposed to exchange the County’s existing athletic complex site with a more advantageous site for the county. The exchange benefits the County by locating a regional athletic complex on two collector roads, for easier access and a site configuration that provides more design flexibility. The public meeting presented the proposed land exchange to the public before the transaction is presented to the Board of County Commissioners. During the due diligence phase of the acquisition, it will be determined if the County will complete the transaction. Based on future community input, available funding, and further analyses, the County will refine the park improvements and present them at a future public meeting.