West Bearss Avenue Drainage Improvements

Project Number


The purpose of the project is to address stormwater drainage issues on and around the W. Bearss Avenue and Lake Magdalene Boulevard intersection. The Public Works Department proposes to construct and replace the existing drainage structure at the southeast corner of the intersection, upgrade the drainage pipe on the W. Bearss Avenue, and construction of new linear pond for water quality pre-treatment discharge to Lake Magdalene.

The work is recommend in the Sweetwater Creek Master Plan (Project No. SWC-7c), a long-term program to improve Stormwater conditions in the basin.

What to Expect

  • Construction will take place on weekdays between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  • Traffic lane closures will be necessary on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. For the safety of the workers, pedestrians and other motorists, please observe all traffic control measures.
  • The work will involve heavy equipment and excavation, and will generate normal construction noise.
  • Access to homes will be maintained throughout construction.
  • Most construction will be in the right of way; however, at times it may be necessary to work on private property with prior approval. All areas affected by the construction will be restored.
  • Excavation work can sometimes cause an accidental water pipeline break or similar problem. Should any water service interruption occur, instructions for a precautionary boil water notice will be issued.

Cost & Funding

The project cost is $400,000. This project is being funded through the Stormwater Fee Capital Improvement Program. The Southwest Florida Water Management District is cooperatively funding this project at 50 percent.


  • An open house informational meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22, at the Jimmie B. Keel Regional Library, 2902 W. Bearss Avenue in Tampa.
  • Construction is expected to begin in early 2016 and should be completed by mid-year.


  • Project Manager: Maize Monroe, P.E., Hillsborough County Public Works, (813) 307-1761

Additional Information

Public Meeting

Public Input: The County welcomes input from the public on this project.